Volunteering in Florida – Day 3
The next stop for the IRFF volunteers was La Belle. The city of La Belle was an area that had been given minimal support and still in need of thorough assessment and care.
Though many members of the community had personally taken care of their own properties, cleaning little by little and making temporary repairs, there was still a significant number of people in need of help to clear the rubbish and restore the conditions of their homes and surroundings.
Today the volunteers challenged themselves to do a bit more than just assessment, asking people what they need help with right then and there, being willing to offer what they could to help out.
Two of the volunteers, Sasha and Elissa, were able to find an elderly gentleman, Jeffery Bryan Womble , who was in need of immediate help. He then requested that they help take care of the fallen branches and a mess of leaves covering his yard.
“The young people are just as good as they can be. They worked together, they worked hard, they worked out here in the rain. They’ve done a beautiful job for me and my neighbor.” Womble was very grateful that the volunteers could respond so willingly and quickly.
When asked how the experience was, volunteer Elissa stated: “We had this beautiful opportunity…to offer our hearts to really help this elderly gentleman…it feels amazing to be able to offer something, and to offer help. It was an opportunity to put in some action.”
For more stories and updates on our disaster relief efforts, stay tuned on our Facebook Page, YouTube, and Website!
At this time we are in need for more donations to support our volunteers. A $50 donation will support 1 volunteer for 1 day. Every little bit helps!